Smart Cooking Application.

Welcome to Tekeraheza, the ultimate solution for gas cylinder shop management. Designed specifically for your business needs.
Our app provides a comprehensive suite of features to streamline and enhance your operations.

About  Tekeraheza App


Smart Cooking

Smart Cooking Application

Tekeraheza App is a powerful mobile/Web application tailored for gas cylinder shop owners. It streamlines sales, client, retail shop, and delivery management processes. Through seamless QR code integration, the app enables efficient inventory tracking, transaction recording, and report generation, optimizing operational efficiency.


Stock Management

Optimize stock management with Advanced tracking methods ensure accurate inventory control, minimizing losses and maximizing profitability.

Sales Management

Supercharge your sales management. Streamline processes, track sales performance, and achieve greater success in managing your sales operations.

Client Management

Elevate your client management, Enhance personalized services, streamline communication, and provide exceptional service for a superior client.

Retail Management

Streamline your retail shop operations effortlessly with intuitive features, this app simplifies daily operations and enables seamless management of tasks crucial to running a successful shop.

Delivery Management

Efficiently handle delivery management through real-time tracking and updates. Track gas cylinder distribution, monitor delivery schedules, and maintain a transparent and reliable delivery system.

How It Works


Using Tekeraheza App, simply scan the QR code on each gas cylinder and initiates related actions.


Easily track and manage transactions, ensuring accurate records and streamlined processes.


Keep a close eye on your inventory as the app provides real-time monitoring of gas cylinder stock levels. Stay informed about your available stock at all times.

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